Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chapter 1 - Study Cites Flood of Solutions for Water Scarcity



This article talks about how there are a lot of ways to solve water shortages issues around the world. It urges policy makers to take a strong stand in helping to sustain the water we have right now; and for future generations. Public concerns in the world-wide water scarcity will make its way to a predicament in the future if we, the consumers, are still sitting around, and blaming each other, The report in the article states that 1/4 of the world's population live where water is naturally scarce (particularly in Asia and North Africa), therefore causing groundwater levels to decline and rivers to dry up. It also highlighted how Agricultural industries, one of the principal users in water consumption, can decrease their expenditures through low-cost technologies,such as irrigation improvements.


In the textbook, we learn that the economical term from Scarcity is anything that is available only in a limited supply. Therefore, societies have to make decisions on as to how to utilize or allocate these scarce availabilities, and those decisions are up to us, the consumers (or the government) to decide upon through thorough thoughts, planning, voting, and actually doing it. This article discussed about the growing concerns in global water crisis, and how there should be A LOT of ways to deal with it by means of the everyday technological advancements and outbreaks. With the 'inadequate; water supply on hand, we have to make our choices carefully: the way we eat, use, and build are all very important contributing factors to the sustainability of our water market.


Some of my personal thoughts: the main reasons behind water downfall are due to the unstable population growth, major cities urbanization and rising temperature. In my opinion, there are a lot of investment opportunities in water supply infrastructure, waste water treatment, and demand management technologies. However, much less attention is pay to the risks it makes during its production processes. No matter the amount of solutions out there, there will always be a side track to them; but what matters most is our lead in making the effort to save our Earth, and to do what needs to be done, even if it takes one step at a time.


Ding said...
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Ding said...

I think with the world all focusing on the rising oil price and oil becoming scarce, we are not don't paying enough attention to the water crisis that is happening. As Canadians, we don't have to a direct cost for using water, which causes us to over use and not think twice about water consumption. I totally agree with the fact mentioned that if we don't stop blaming each other for the crisis, there is going to be huge consequences in the future. We have to take matters in our own hands and do our own part,disregard what others might be doing and the Earth would get better, even if its one small step at a time.

Yifan D

Calvin_91 said...

I totally agree with you! Even though there are a lot of opportunities to solve the water shortage problem, people just waste time blaming others. If everyone just sits around pointing fingers at everyone, nothing will ever be accomplished. Everyone must play their role, no matter how small it is, in using the water they have at their disposal wisely. If we do not start to do all of this now, it might be too late. Just like you said, the effort we make in protecting our Earth is what needs to be done even though it’s one step at a time. If this isn’t time consuming, it wouldn’t be labeled as a major problem worldwide.

Calvin Dai